Saturday, June 29, 2013

God is Good.

Luke 18:27 Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” (NIV)

God is good. 

This past weekend I had the opportunity to spend the second annual Friend Fest with people I know and care about. Many of those who belong to the Real Life Church family showed up and I am honored and humbled to be considered a part of this family. In total, counting all the kids, we had 34 in attendance!

God is good.
It was only a year ago that I didn’t have a church family. Now I am blessed with a large church family. I would do anything for these people. They have my love. I can’t take credit for this though. I had tried for a couple years previous to find my place with no avail. One of my best friends and I searched and searched for a church where we could fit in, a church that felt like we belonged. I had given up hope as I attended the 1st Friend Fest in 2012 by myself. That is where I ran into Jared and found out that he was a pastor. This was the beginning work of God. The work of the grand artist has shaped this worthless lump of clay into a man who has found his home.

God is good. 

I captured those moments from the 1st Friend Fest in 2012 with a couple journal entries. 

June 30th, 2012
It has been a wild week this week. I did get played again and I did not react all that well to it. But the Lord did work in it and brought forth some truth in the situation.
I ran into Jared Eckerley at Friend Fest last night and he gave me a business card for his church. I want to go check it out on Sunday. Maybe this could be my home. A place to begin tithing, and a place to give my time and truly begin serving.
July 1st, 2012
It has been quite the interesting week. So much has happened this week there is no way I could journal it all. Maybe I should try?
I’ve been faking some of my faith. Maybe not faking it but I definitely have Jesus in my head and not in my heart. That has changed this weekend.  I recognized, well rather, I’ve decided to stop turning a blind eye to the fact that while I say I am a Christian I am not living as a free man.
Artist Eric Samuel Timm, a guest speaker said that 12” separates Jesus from where we should have him to where he is. 12” is about the distance between your head and your heart.  That’s me. Today I have read from 
Proverbs 1:32 NIV
For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them;

I closed out my journal entry on July 1st , 2012 with this prayer.
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for such a great weekend and for all that you do in my life. I pray this prayer to you this morning. 
I’m ready to come home.
 I’m ready to stop my mindless wandering, my waywardness. I have grown complacent in my relationship with you. I continue to live in my sin and have been living for idols and not you.  I hear you. No more OLD STEVE. No more old creation. I am all in. Please fill me with your spirit and lead me.
Your Servant,

God is good. 

I had a front row seat to see Him at work this past weekend. Literally, we had the front row, center, locked down all weekend. During that time we had to defend our spots on occasion and gently remind people that the spots we had, while empty now, were for our peeps and when they returned they would want them back. It was during such an encounter that I met Trevor and Beth from Ohio. They had traveled two hours so their son, Caleb who had just beat Thyroid Cancer, could see Toby Mac and magician Tom Coverly. 

They were occupying the front row in between sets because their son was about to be on the main stage with magician Tom Coverly and they wanted pictures to capture the moment. Caleb was particular fond of magic and they arrived too late to see the full magic show on the 2nd stage but they did catch Tom as he exited the stage. They explained their situation, how they missed his show, Caleb’s love of magic and his recent battles. In response Tom decided to invite Caleb onto the main stage to assist him with a magic trick. Caleb jumped at the chance. While I talked with Trevor he also explained that they had really wanted to set up an opportunity for their son to meet Toby Mac. He explained that, a couple weeks prior to the show, they contacted the radio station to find out if they could just get 5 minutes with Toby Mac. To their surprise, and mine, they were told that it would cost $200 to set up such a meeting. Not having the money for that, this on stage appearance assisting the magician was more than they could have hoped for their son.

Caleb with Magician Tom Coverly

God is good, but the story gets better.

During the performance I snapped some photos and recorded the event for them. Afterwards I gave them my contact information and asked them to contact me so I could get them the video and pictures. That next day Trevor called me and shared just how awesome God is and how He steps in when we fail. Trevor shared with me a story that unfolded without our knowledge. You see, after the magic trick, this magician, who had already made Caleb’s day, took him back stage and introduced him Toby Mac. 

Caleb was able to talk face to face with Toby Mac and share his story. Toby Mac was very gracious and loving giving Caleb his autograph and even a hug! How cool is that huh?

Luke 18:27 Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” (NIV)

Where man had failed, God stepped in and made a HUGE difference in this young man’s life. 

God is good.   

So here is the real exciting news! This same God, who blessed me with a family and this boy with realizing a dream, wants to work the same way in your life! 

So who are you? 

Are you a person that doesn’t think God is in it for you? 

Are you a person who hasn’t given God the chance to do something in your life?

Let Him in, He is good, He is knocking, and He loves you!

Consider surrendering your life to Him for He does have a plan for you; one that you couldn’t even dream of. 

Jeremiah 29:11-13 NIV
11For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Come join us at the YMCA in Niles at 9 AM. You do not have to get your life right first. You don't have to wear special clothes. Just come as you are and see what great things God has in store for you.

Here are some pics of the family from the 2nd Annual Friend Fest 2013 


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