Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Everyone loves an underdog.

The Easter story is a story we all know. 

Christ was betrayed, beaten, mocked, humiliated and finally crucified; all in front of his followers, his close friends, and even his family.  Three days later, He emerges from His grave free from death's grip. He has risen!

As Pastor Jared discussed this weekend it is the single most important moment in our faith. It separates the Christian faith from all the other faiths that are or have been in the world. We worship a RISEN Lord. He is alive! All the other faiths are…..well… are based on dead guys. 

Deeper in the week takes into account two main aspects of the Easter Story. 

The Battle and The Victory. 

These have been posted below as separate Blogs to aid in reading.We suggest that you read about The Battle and let that just steep in your mind for a day or two. After God has had sometime to reveal things to you then come back and read about The Victory

However, if your ready to dive into the deep end and you want to read both in one sitting Go For IT!. Have fun and God Bless. 

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