Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Victory is His!

Christ’s death and resurrection can be summed up in one word:


Webster defines freedom as the quality or state of being free: as the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action.

Christ died and rose again so we are no longer constrained in our choice or action. 

To put this into perspective let us take a quick moment and look at how people were “forgiven for their sins” before Jesus was crucified. Prior to His sacrifice, the Jewish people had to atone for their sins through the act of animal sacrifice. It happened on the Passover and many times throughout the year.

In particular, one day of the year was set aside. The Day of Atonement established by God and described in Leviticus Chapter 16; was a national holiday for the Jewish people and was not a celebration but rather a day of repentance. God tells Moses that if Aaron enters the room behind the curtain or veil whenever he wants he will die! He then proceeded to give him a list of requirements to meet before he does. No one, other than the high priest (Aaron) could enter the room behind the curtain/veil. The people of the Old Testament did not have direct access to God. They were constrained, almost to the point of death.

Lev 16:2 The Lord said to Moses: “Tell your brother Aaron that he is not to come whenever he chooses into the Most Holy Place behind the curtain in front of the atonement cover on the ark, or else he will die. For I will appear in the cloud over the atonement cover.

The curtain used in the tabernacle was not what we typically think of when we think of a curtain. It was massive and acted as a divider or a shield between the holiness of God and sinful man. The curtain was over 6o feet tall and 30 feet wide and was an astonishing three to four inches thick.

Luke 23:45…and the curtain of the temple was torn in two.

When Christ died that huge massive curtain which was meant to separate us from God was torn from top to bottom. It was ripped from above. His death gave us access direct access to God!

This is a very exciting time of year for us! Christ’s work on the cross freed us from our bondage, freed us from the limitations and constraints that had existed before His coming. It is worth mentioning again! His death tore the curtain from the ceiling to the floor thus removing the separation between God and us. We can now approach God on His throne. We don’t have to sleek up to the throne in a timid way, with our tail between our legs. No. We can approach God boldly and with confidence. 

Through this act, through this ultimate sacrifice God is sending us in invitation to come to Him.
He loves you. He wants to be in relationship with you. You don’t have to clean up, you don’t have to wear special clothes, you don’t even have to “get it right” before you come. He accepts you where you are right now. Broken. Messy. Hurt. Abandoned. Angry.

Friends, He does not care how you come to Him. He loves you. He will meet you wherever you are. He is knocking. Can you hear Him? Let Him in. 

Now do not think He will leave you there. He loves you WAY TOO MUCH for that. He will want to heal you, He will want change you, and He will ask you to do tough things. He wants to transform you. To make you WHOLE again. He wants to help you find your heart, please let Him. Answer the door, it just might change your life.  

Most importantly, and what moves me the most about our Lord is He will FAITHFULLY LOVE YOU. He does not give up on you, He never leaves you, He never turns from you, and He never, ever, ever, stops loving you. Even when you fail, even when you fall short and make mistakes, even when the whole world seems to have turned their back on you He is there friend.

If you don’t know Jesus and want to start a relationship with Him we are here for you! If you don’t know how to get started that is OK too! It is our hearts desire to help you begin your relationship with Jesus and begin on your path to healing. Just take that first step and contact us. You ca use the links on the left.

If you want to dig even deeper I have listed several bible verses below for you to read. I pray that God opens your heart and reveals Himself to you as you read more about Him and His love for YOU! You can check out these versus on His faithfulness and His promises to you. 

Check them out in your bible or online at www.youversion.com  If you don’t own a bible and want one let us know. We can get you a free copy.

God’s Faithfulness to you

Deuteronomy 7:9
1 Corinthians 1:9
Matthew 24:35
Psalm 33:4
Psalm 86:15
John 16:33
1 John 1:9
Romans 5:1-5
1 Thessalonians 5:23
Proverbs 18:24
Hebrews 12:1-2
Malachi 3:17 

God’s Promises to you
Jeremiah 29:11
Matthew 11:28-29
Isaiah 40:29-31
Philippians 4:19
Romans 8:37-39
John 14:27
Romans 10:9
Romans 6:23

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