Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Who is with you?

This past week you were asked what was next. We found a clue at the cross, just moments before Jesus breathed His last breath, as described in Luke 23:44-46. The veil was torn. We learned that, prior to the coming of Christ, only the High Priest was allowed to be in the presence of God on one day during the year; on the Day of Atonement. God’s dwelling place was the inner most room of the temple and was referred to as the Holiest of Holies and the entrance was a massive curtain or veil. If anyone entered the room they would die. If the High Priest had not properly followed the self preparations he would be struck dead. (Leviticus 16).  

Just prior to Christ’s death the veil in the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom thus removing the barrier which separated us, a sinful people, from a Holy God. It is an invitation to us to enter into a relationship with God through His son Jesus Christ.

Wondering what a relationship with Christ looked like we again, took our lead from the man himself.

In Luke 9:23 Christ said to His disciples “If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” 

We discussed what it was like for any of us to seek a boyfriend or a girlfriend and the lengths that we would go. Making time, having conversation, studying them and learning all we could. Then using that information to please them. We need to take the same approach with Christ. We can engage Him through prayer and we can learn about Him through studying His word daily. You were encouraged to spend time in prayer each morning and to also read the scriptures with the goal to build that relationship. How you doing on that challenge?

To go deeper this week I feel we need to talk about going even further in our personal relationships. If we back up in Luke chapter 9 we see that it opens with Jesus sending out the disciples to heal the sick and proclaim the kingdom of God. 

Luke 9:1-2 NIV  1When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, 2 and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.

And in the beginning of the 10th chapter of Luke Jesus sends out 72 others in pairs of two:

Luke 10:1 NIV - After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go.

Jesus sent them out two by two.
Companions with a shared mission he sent them, together.
Not alone. Not commando. Together. 

Jesus had his own circle of friends right? There were 12 of them and we refer to them as the disciples. Did you know that he had an inner circle? He had a core of three with whom He was closest; Peter, John and James. (see Luke 8:51-52 and Mark 9:2-3). 

We all need close friends to help us get through this life, to help keep us on the narrow road. It is much too hard a journey that we should try and do it by ourselves. Even Jesus had his core so we should be no different.  

When I talk about having close friends I am not talking about your family or your spouse. I am talking about a same sex friend. Someone who you can be real with, someone whom you can trust, and someone you have to hold you accountable. This person needs to be able to call you on your stuff and also be able to allow you to call them on their stuff. That is what Proverbs 27:17 is talking about.

Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

This friend, this companion that I am describing is someone who is willing to get to know you, all of you, and is willing to just shoot you straight. This friend must also be willing to let themselves become known and also willing to listen when you shoot them straight. 

What does that take?

It starts with being real with each other, there has to be honesty, so you have to develop trust. Stop posing. You must contain some wisdom, the ability to forgive, and most importantly a shared mission or goal. If you don’t share something in common the friendship won’t last. 

Nervous yet?   

That kind of relationship takes time to develop and also requires an investment on our part. It is nothing you can just flippantly do and not just anyone can fill this roll. We need a same sex friend in our life like this. No doubt in my mind that this should be one of the most important relationships you develop (next to a relationship with Christ of course). 

Yes, if you’re married or considering marriage that relationship is also important and very valuable. It is an institution established by God and I am not trying to minimize it at all. The net result of what I am suggesting though would enhance your marriage and make it stronger. Maybe even teach you how to be a better friend inside your marriage. Your spouse can’t be your only outlet for all that goes on in your life. They can be and should be a big part of it but they can’t be all you have. Neither should you be all they have. Men, you can’t get masculinity from your wife and women you can’t get femininity from your husband. You need close personal friends for this and without them you over task your spouse seeking that which they cannot provide.    

In this day and age these kinds of friendships are not a sought after goal in life. Do you think, in today’s world, we put a lot effort into having solid friendships? The world puts a lot of value on being in a relationship with the opposite sex first and for most. That is the goal right? Get a girl, find a guy, fall in love, get married and kick out a couple kids……white picket fence and all? We have friends before all that happens but when we enter a serious relationship with the opposite sex don’t the friends seem to fall by the wayside? Especially if they are single?

Consider these comments on friendship by C.S Lewis:

To the Ancients, Friendship seemed the happiest and most fully human of all loves; the crown of life and the school of virtue. The modern world, in comparison, ignores it. We admit of course that besides a wife and family a man needs a few "friends". But the very tone of the admission, and the sort of acquaintanceships which those who make it would describe as "friendships", show clearly that what they are talking about has very little to do with that Philia which Aristotle classified among the virtues or that Amicitia on which Cicero wrote a book. It is something quite marginal, not a main course in life’s banquet; a diversion; something that fills up the chinks of one's time. How has this come about? The first and most obvious answer is that few value it because few experience it. C.S. Lewis. The Four Loves (1960)

Are his comments any less true today? I think not. I mean really…how many of your relationships can you say sharpen you as iron sharpens iron? Do you have that level of accountability in your circles? I know I didn’t.

I do now but it wasn’t always that way. I have two very close brothers in Christ with whom I owe a great deal. I would not be half the man I am today if they did not have an influence in my life and I theirs. These men are my companions, my iron, and we do have a shared mission. We are Christ followers, single parents, and recognize that we wake up every day in the midst of war. I consider them my closest friends and I love them unconditionally. We fight, we disagree, but we also are open to the others opinions. Sometimes we come to agreements and sometimes we just know what we disagree on and leave it to God to straighten us out. We talk almost daily of not several times during the day. We have shared some of our lowest lows and have celebrated some if our highest highs. We do it together. They are my brotherhood, my fellow warriors, and are a part of what I like to call Christ’s Platoon. We are always looking for more men to join us. 

I share these things with you not to say “hey look at me” but to share humbly, that these kinds of friendships are not only possible but essential. 

As we take our next steps towards a deeper relationship with Christ we should also take a few friends on the journey as well. We will need them. They will only enhance and compliment the experience. We need our own platoon.  

 Jesus had them shouldn’t you?

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Daily Bread

Matthew 6:11 Give us today our daily bread.

What does that mean to you? 

Have you been thinking about it?

Don’t be coming to church on Sunday just to forget what he said by Monday. You’re better off skipping and juts going to play golf or to the mall. Stop wasting your time.   

Your faith should be changing you. You should be growing and you should be challenged by the message you hear at church. So let me ask you again and this time don’t just gloss it over. 

Matthew 6:11 Give us today our dally bread.  

For me it was clear. This is talking about Jesus. He is the bread of life (John 6:35). 

But check it out. Tonight, today it takes in a different meaning to me. 

Wait. Content. Available. 

Patient. Diligence.

All these things are things that I must do today. I can’t do them tomorrow. Nope. They must be done tomorrow because they are all present tense. They are happening right now. The first three words have been written on a piece of paper that is hanging on my bathroom wall since there has been snow on the ground. Maybe even since last year. 

Wait. Content. Available. 

I’ve been lonely. I’ve been hurting. I’ve been BORED with my life. I’ve been asking God for guidance. I’ve been asking God for something to do that is new. I am so tired of doing what I have been doing for the past 25 years. Get me in the game coach!
If you have been reading Deep in the Week for long you know I am a word guy so let us take a look at the definitions of these words. 

Wait - 1: to stay in place, in expectation of OR to remain stationary in readiness or expectation.

Content - pleased and satisfied: not needing more

Available - present or ready for immediate use

So, when I asked God (let’s just say 6 months ago) what I should be doing, He told me that I needed to stay where I was at but be expecting something to happen. I was to stay but be pleased and satisfied with where He had me and I should not need anything more. In that time I needed to also be present and ready to be used at a moment’s notice.

Sounds pretty exciting huh? 

Not to me. I was not that happy to hear that I had to wait. Nope. I was like a kid in the back seat of a very long car ride down to Indy. If you have ever made that drive you know what I mean. If you haven’t let me just say that there is only one thing to really look during the three hour drive. Corn. Not so much fun.  

“Geesh really, when are we gonna get there? Are we there yet? Can we stop I have to go to the bathroom. Are we there yet? I am hungry.”

So I just kept doing what I was doing. Kind of like that hamster on the treadmill and I find myself 6 months later on the same wheel. However, I am better off than I was 6 months ago. A lot has happened in 6 months but I laughed today as I contemplated those 3 words. That is still where I am at. Things are different in my life but I find I am still waiting, I am very content, and I am available to whatever comes my way. As I was laughing though, two more words popped into my head. 

Patient. Diligence. 

I was like huh? God? Really? What do they mean? More words? I am still working on the 3 you gave me 6 months ago!

Again, I heard the words. Patient. Diligence. So I looked them up too.

Patient - bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint

 -----whoa that was me the past 6 months. Well, I bore the pains and trials……not sure how much of it was without complaint……does grumbling to another count????

Diligence - persevering application

Ok, so now I get a bit funny with my words. That definition didn’t really get me there……..persevering……what does that mean? 

Persevering - to persist in a state, enterprise, or undertaking in spite of counter influences, opposition, or discouragement

OK, this is starting to make sense to me. He just leads me to where I need to be. I have to do some work. He just doesn’t give it to me. I have to work as hard as He makes the caterpillar work. He doesn’t open the cocoon for it; the caterpillar has to work for it. It has to build up its strength. 

I must have to build up my strength too; build up my knowledge. I have to be smart as I do not live in just a physical world. There are two worlds at work here. Yes. That is right. 

Wake up Neo. The Matirx has you. 

So, God is adding to my list of things that He wants me to do.
To recap, six months ago I decorated my bathroom with 3 words. Today God added 2 more. 

Wait. Content. Available. Patient. Diligence. 

I need to stay where I am at with an expectation that something will happen. While I am waiting I should be pleased and satisfied with where I am at and I will not need anything more. I will also be present and ready to be used at a moment’s notice while bearing pains and trials without grumbling or complaining. I am also to remain in this undertaking in spite of the counter influences, opposition or discouragement I will face. 

Whew……sounds rough to me and when I put it together I need to be honest with everyone. I wept. At work. For a moment. I wept. 

 Please understand why and don’t miss this point. I didn’t cry because I thought it would be too difficult to do, it will be hard but I can do it. I didn’t cry because it seems so cryptic and unclear. I don’t have details but really I don’t need them. If I had them I would take control. 

 I wept when I realized that one day the Christ will return and I will be able to stand in front of Him and give an account of my life. I won’t need to be fearful anymore because in that moment, after I have waited, contently, being available to help others, while I worked through my own suffering with perseverance I will be able to tell him that I got it done! I can say “Hey, that was the hardest thing I have ever done, but I did it Lord. I did what you asked of me!”


I can finally hear those words that avoided me for so many years of my life. I am proud of you. 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

Then I will hug him and probably cry on his shoulder………I love that man. To be able to actually see him, hug him and touch him will be truly amazing after I have finished such a long and tedious race. It is a reward that brings such relief I weep just thinking about it!

So for me. Give us today our daily bread is a prayer to God to let me be satisfied with today and today alone. 

Let me wait and be content with waiting. While I wait if something comes along and I can do it I will joyfully. If I have to endure some suffering I will gladly endure the storm and I will TRY not to complain too much. It is about today because I don’t know if I have tomorrow. 

I am recognizing that people are being brought into my life for a purpose. Either for me to help them or them to help me (which isn’t always a pleasant experience mind you). I never know how long these people will be in my life but I am learning to enjoy every opportunity that I can with them by listening and by asking questions. You can make a world of difference in someone’s life if you take just a few minutes and care for them. When you talk to someone remember what you learned and bring it up next time you see them. It shows them they have value to you. 

Show them love. Show them Christ. Even if your heart is broken. It can still move people.
